Dental crowns in Diplomat Med

The question which type of prosthesis to use is quite hard for those who need prostheses. Basically, when the discussion about dental crowns happens, the choice is between ceramic and metal crowns. But what kind of method is better?

What does the porcelain-fused-to-metal dental crown mean? In fact, it has a metal structure covered by a layer of porcelain (ceramic).

It is necessary to make some arrangements in order to cement such a type of crown. First of all, it involves examining and preparing the problematic tooth.

Unfortunately, without grinding the teeth, the correct installation of prosthesis is impossible. Porcelain-fused-to-metal dental crowns require a much more serious grinding than those made ​​of metal or ceramic, since it takes into account two layers, the metal frame and the ceramic covering layer.

Once the tooth is prepared, the doctor makes a mold of the tooth that will be used as a base for the future denture. The denture can be manufactured so as to be indistinguishable from natural teeth. It can be chosen any color and even it may be adjusted to the size of the tooth.

Once the crown is ready, it is “dress up” the tooth. This type of denture are not inferior in functioning to main teeth. These prostheses are ideal for posterior teeth (due to its power) as well as the front teeth, too. Metal crowns do not look aesthetically beautiful for the front teeth.

Only the metal frame is the difference between ceramic or porcelain crown and porcelain-fused-to-metal denture. The ceramic prosthesis is formed only of ceramic crown that is put on the grinding tooth. One of the advantages of ceramic crown is that it is not necessary to grind deeply the tooth and the thickness of “live” tooth depends on how well the prosthesis will be fixed.

There is a view that ceramic crowns are more stable than the metal ones, and that it must not be fixed in any case on the chewing teeth – they do not withstand the weight.

In some sense this is true because ceramics without a metal frame is more fragile than metal-ceramic. And if exert constant pressure on it, it could break . However, practice shows that this happens rarely; so do not be afraid to put ceramic on teeth.

It’s hard to say which method is better: ceramic or porcelain-fused-to-metal because each method is good in its own way and the choice is based only on the individual needs.

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