Sometimes the sick gums cause as big problems as sick teeth. Affected gums have the properties of bleeding and paining. The untreated diseases of gums can provoke the loss of tooth, because the inflamation of gums can cause the inflamation of  bound of tooth.

The diseases like periodontitis is the result of gums’infection from untreated teeth on time. Dental decay, pulpitis and other diseases also can be caused by gums’inflamation. The infection of gums can be also provoked by small wounds which appears after cleaning the teeth.

Usually the treatment of gums is done with special antiseptic solutions for rinsing the oral cavity or removing oinment. The treatment can be prescribed by the dentist because the chosing medicines without dentist’s advice can provoke allergy and gums’ edema.

Rarely (for example in case of periodontitis or dental cyst) the treatment of teeth include the surgery. Dental cyst if it is in the interior of gum (a spreaded case) is operated with special dental scalpel with local or general anaesthesia.

The periodontitis is not a disease just of gums but it is complex affection of gums’and teeth’ tissues. Because of that, often, the treatment of these diseases supose the surgery of gums and teeth.

One of the first symptoms of gums’ diseases is the bleeding of gums. We can supose that the bleeding is provoked by incorrect cleaning of teeth, it means the scrap of gums’ tissue with rough tooth brush.

It may be a cause of gums’ diseases but if the gums are bleeding at each cleaning we must go to the dentist. The bleeding of gums may be a sign of disease, this symptom should not be ignored.

The bleeding of guums can appear at children too. It is very important to see this symptom on time, and to visit the dentist quikly. The gums of children are very sensitive and we must pay attention to its treatment. If we do not treat the gums on time the problems and diseases may appear later, and the inflamation of gums may become chronic.

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