Prices for Dental Services in Our Clinic

Our prices focus on affordability without compromising the quality of treatment

Diagnostics Therapy Pedodontics Whitening Prosthetics Implant Prosthetics Surgery Implantology Orthodontics


Initial Consultation 400 MDL
Follow-up Consultation 200 MDL
Panoramic X-ray 300 MDL
Targeted X-ray 150 MDL
Intraoral 3D Scanning 1500 MDL
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Anesthesia 200 MDL
Rubber Dam 100 MDL
Professional Oral Hygiene (Ultrasound, AirFlow, Polishing) 1500 MDL
Professional Paste Polishing 200 MDL
Aesthetic Restoration of Front Teeth with Asteria 2000 MDL
Side Teeth Restoration 1200-1500 MDL
Surface Caries Treatment 800 MDL
Initial Caries Treatment without Preparation (Icon system) 5000 MDL
Instrumental Canal Treatment 700 MDL
Medication Canal Treatment 300 MDL
Thermafil Canal Filling 450 MDL
Abcess Remedy Canal Filling 300 MDL
Canal Unsealing 400 MDL
Proroot MTA Application 700 MDL
Devit Paste Application 150 MDL
Temporary Canal Filling with U-Cal 250 MDL
Temporary Filling with Dentin Paste 250 MDL
Instrument Removal from Canal 700 MDL
Post Removal 300 MDL
Titanium Post (1) 500 MDL
Fiberglass Post (1) 350 MDL
Tooth Restoration with Conect Thread 3000 MDL
Metrogel Application 200 MDL
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Professional Oral Hygiene (for primary dentition) 600 MDL
Professional Oral Hygiene (for mixed dentition) 800 MDL
Gel or Spray Topical Anesthesia (Lidocaine) 100 MDL
Temporary Canal Filling (U-Cal – Devit) 300 MDL
Endodontic Treatment 450-850 MDL
Fistula Drainage 300 MDL
Pulp Chamber Opening 300 MDL
Calcium-based Medicinal Lining 200 MDL
Cavity Treatment and Filling 700 MDL
Cavity Prevention – Fissure Sealing (1 tooth) 400 MDL
Cavity Prevention – Fluoride Treatment 500 MDL
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Teeth Whitening

Zoom Philips Whitening (15 minutes) 2000 MDL
Zoom Philips Whitening (30 minutes) 4000 MDL
Zoom Philips Whitening (45 minutes) 6000 MDL
Zoom Philips Whitening (60 minutes) 7200 MDL
Zoom Philips Whitening (1 tooth) 500 MDL
Opalescence System Whitening (in-office) 3200 MDL
Opalescence Trays Whitening (1 tray) 350 MDL
Internal Tooth Whitening (1 tooth) 700 MDL
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Impression (1 arch) 500 MDL
Alginat Impression (1 arch) 200 MDL
Metal-Ceramic Crown (per tooth) 3300 MDL
E-Max Ceramic Crown (per tooth) 6000 MDL
Zirconia Crown (per tooth) 7000 MDL
Temporary Crown (per tooth) 1000 MDL
Crown Fixation (per tooth) 400 MDL
Metal-Ceramic Crown on Implant 5000 MDL
E-Max Crown on Implant 7000 MDL
Zirconia Crown on Implant 7000 MDL
Temporary Implant Crown 2400 MDL
Crown Fixation on Implant 400 MDL
Korean Zirconia Crown on Implant 8000 MDL
Neodent Strauman Zirconia Crown on Implant 9000 MDL
Crown Removal 200 MDL
Metal Inlay 1000 MDL
Ceramic Veneers 6000 MDL
Composite Veneers 2000 MDL
Veneer Fixation 400 MDL
Removable Denture (1 arch) 4000 MDL
Removable Denture Repair 600 MDL
Partial Acrylic Denture (1-3 teeth) 2000 MDL
Partial Nylon Denture (1-3 teeth) 2000 MDL
Biodentaplast Denture (Bredent-Germany) 10000 MDL
Multi-Unit Abutment 2000 MDL
Custom Zirconia Abutment 1500 MDL
Mock-up (1 tooth) 300 MDL
Wax-up 300 MDL
Build-up (1 tooth) 800 MDL
Periodic Prosthesis Maintenance (cleaning, correction, screw replacement) 3000 MDL
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Implant Prosthetics ALL IN 4 / ALL IN 6

Prosthetics on 4 implants (JD Italia) – Stage 1 45000 MDL
Prosthetics on 6 implants (JD Italia) – Stage 1 60000 MDL
Prosthetics on 4 implants (Neobiotech Korea) – Stage 1 55000 MDL
Prosthetics on 6 implants (Neobiotech Korea) – Stage 1 70000 MDL
Prosthetics on 4 implants (Neodent Straumann) – Stage 1 65000 MDL
Prosthetics on 6 implants (Neodent Straumann) – Stage 2 80000 MDL
Permanent Prosthesis (metal-composite, Fast and Fixed method) 45000 MDL
Permanent Prosthesis (ceramic, Fast and Fixed method) 65000 MDL
Permanent Prosthesis (zirconia, Fast and Fixed method) 85000 MDL
Temporary Total Acrylic Prosthesis (Fast and Fixed method, 1 arch, bar on implants) 15000 MDL
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Anesthesia 200 MDL
Milk Tooth Extraction 300 MDL
Simple Extraction of Single-Rooted Tooth 500 MDL
Complicated Extraction of Single-Rooted Tooth 600 MDL
Simple Extraction of Multi-Rooted Tooth 600 MDL
Complicated Extraction of Multi-Rooted Tooth 700 MDL
Atypical Tooth Extraction (excluding wisdom teeth) 800 MDL
Simple Upper Wisdom Tooth Extraction 800 MDL
Complicated Upper Wisdom Tooth Extraction 1200 MDL
Simple Lower Wisdom Tooth Extraction 1000 MDL
Complicated Lower Wisdom Tooth Extraction 1500 MDL
Impacted Upper Tooth Extraction 1500 MDL
Impacted Lower Tooth Extraction 2000 MDL
Submucosal Impacted Tooth Exposure 1000 MDL
Sub-bone Impacted Tooth Exposure 1500 MDL
Root Tip Resection (Single-Rooted Tooth) 1000 MDL
Retrograde Canal Filling during Resection 500 MDL
Root Amputation (Multi-Rooted Upper Tooth) 1500 MDL
Hemisection (Multi-Rooted Lower Tooth) 1500 MDL
Cystectomy (1-3 teeth) 1500 MDL
Cystectomy (more than 3 teeth) 3000 MDL
Small Oral-Antral Fistula Closure (with flap) 2000 MDL
Large Oral-Antral Fistula Closure (with flap) 4000 MDL
Absorbable Suture Placement 400 MDL
Non-Absorbable Suture Placement 200 MDL
Suture Removal 200 MDL
Medical Dressing Application 200 MDL
Alveolitis Treatment (per visit) 200 MDL
Abscess Incision and Drainage 500 MDL
Frenuloplasty 800 MDL
Open Curettage for Periodontitis (1 tooth) 1000 MDL
Open Curettage for Periodontitis (2-6 teeth) 2000 MDL
Closed Curettage for Periodontitis (1 tooth) 500 MDL
Closed Curettage for Periodontitis (2-6 teeth) 1000 MDL
Gingivectomy (1 tooth) 300 MDL
Gingivoplasty and Osteoplasty (1 tooth) 1000 MDL
Gingivoplasty with Flap (1 tooth) 1000 MDL
Tunnel Gingivoplasty (1 tooth) 2000 MDL
Segmental Vestibuloplasty 1000 MDL
Vestibuloplasty (full arch) 4000 MDL
Lip or Tongue Frenulum Plastic Surgery 800 MDL
Flap Surgery 1000 MDL
Free Gingival Graft from Palate 2000 MDL
Free Gingival Graft from Upper Jaw Tuberosity 1000 MDL
Gingival Recession Coverage (1 tooth) 2000 MDL
Gingival Recession Coverage (2-3 teeth) 3000 MDL
Gingival Recession Coverage (4-6 teeth) 4000 MDL
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Implant Placement (JD Italia) 5000 MDL
Implant Placement (Neobiotech Korea) 6000 MDL
Implant Placement (Osstem) 7000 MDL
Implant Placement (Neodent Straumann) 9000 MDL
Implant Uncovering with Standard Gingiva Former Placement 1200 MDL
Vertical Sinus Lift (for 1 implant) 2200 MDL
Lateral Sinus Lift with Augmentation (synthetic material and/or A-PRF membrane) for 1 tooth 7000 MDL
Extended Lateral Sinus Lift with Augmentation (synthetic material and/or A-PRF membrane) 11000 MDL
Open Curettage for Peri-Implantitis Treatment (implant preservation) 1000 MDL
Implant Removal 2000 MDL
Artificial Bone Material Addition (Colapol CP-3LM – 1 cubic unit) 600 MDL
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Consultation 300 MDL
Trainer Check-Up (every 3 months) 300 MDL
Orthodontic Treatment with Fixed Adhesive System (Ligature Metal Braces, 1 Arch) 14000 MDL
Orthodontic Treatment with Fixed Adhesive System (Ligature Ceramic Braces, 1 Arch) 15000 MDL
Orthodontic Treatment with Self-Ligating Metal Braces (1 Arch) 17600 MDL
Orthodontic Treatment with Self-Ligating Ceramic Braces (1 Arch) 22000 MDL
Orthodontic Treatment with Trainer Appliance 4000 MDL
Orthodontic Treatment with Individual Plate 5000 MDL
Night Guard Retainer Fabrication 5000 MDL
Diagnostic Impressions (1 Arch) 300 MDL
Metal Bracket Fixation (1 bracket, new) 300 MDL
Ceramic Bracket Fixation (1 bracket, new) 500 MDL
Self-Ligating Metal Bracket Fixation (1 bracket, new) 700 MDL
Self-Ligating Ceramic Bracket Fixation (1 bracket, new) 900 MDL
Orthodontic Tube Fixation (1 tube, new) 300 MDL
Orthodontic Treatment with Mini-Implant (1 unit) 3000 MDL
Orthodontic Treatment with Invisalign Aligners (up to 35 aligners, both arches) 40000 MDL
Orthodontic Treatment with Aligner System (1 arch) 18000 MDL
Diagnosis and Treatment Plan for Invisalign Aligners 3000 MDL
Hawley Removable Retainer Fabrication 2400 MDL
Removable Retainer Fabrication (lab-made) 1000 MDL
Bruxism Guard Fabrication 1200 MDL
Retainer Fixation 1000 MDL
Retainer Removal 500 MDL
Retainer Refixation (repair, 1 tooth) 400 MDL
Bracket System Activation (including arch and elastics replacement) 400 MDL
Removable Appliance Activation and Check-Up (plate and trainer) 200 MDL
Orthodontic System and Retainer Removal 6000 MDL
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