Nerve extraction
Dentists choose various treatment methods in order to avoid the extraction of the tooth itself. One of them is extraction of the nerve (pulp extraction), which actually involves the extraction of the all the soft tissues located in the pulp chamber of the tooth, including the nerve.Pulp extraction is usually performed in cases of deep caries, pulpitis and periodontitis.
Not so long ago,endodontic treatment was considered a very painful and complicated procedure, because of the old and even somewhat scary methods of treatment that involved the use of arsenical paste.
The doctors had to cut the tooth in half, place the toxic substance in the formed cavity, put a temporary filling for two days, while the arsenical paste was slowly killing the tooth’s nerve and thoroughly clean the root canals afterwards. All these steps are able to frighten even the bravest patient of all.
Furthermore, this technique did not permit to fully cleanse and disinfect the root canals. As a result, the doctor did not have other choice rather than extracting the tooth shortly after completing the endodontic treatment.
An endodontic treatment looks completely different nowadays. This is how specialists in «Diplomat Med» are performing it.
Local anesthesia is initially performed in order to stop any possible pain. As a result, the doctor is capable to work on soft tissues that are alive, without the need to use arsenical paste to destroy them prior to the treatment, which increases its rate of success. General anesthesia is recommended in very rare cases.
Radiologic examination is required to identify the root canals and determine their exact shape. Other specifically designed devices ensure an additional control during the whole treatment process.
Either a permanent or a temporary filling could be placed immediately after completing the endodontic treatment. In case the dentist chooses to place a provisoryy one, an additional appointment will be mandatory in order to replace it with a long-lasting composite filling.
Thus, a modern root canal treatment takes about an hour, which is way less than the 2 days required for an endodontic treatment that involved the use of certain toxic substances in the past. The patient does not feel any pain and the results will last in time, specially if the tooth is covered with a ceramic crown after completing the treatment.
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