Tooth extraction in Diplomat Med

The modern stomatology actively propagandizes the prevention of tooth decay by a method in which it is possible to preserve all teeth, so tooth extraction is the last method that uses a dentist when a tooth can not be saved.

In «Diplomat Med» clinic tooth extraction the procedure begins with a detailed analysis of the condition of the patient and with the identification of the difficulty of surgical intervention. If it is necessary, the patient is given medication that helps him to relax, to calm down, but also increase effect of anesthesia. The method of anesthesia for tooth extraction is chosen for each patient individually.

It’s better to make farewell forever to the sick teeth if:

  • The tooth confuses installing dentures
  • A diseased tooth presents a serious threat to your health and there is no other way of removing infectious outbreaks (eg periodontal inflammation)
  • The tooth is damaged by decay or some trauma

It is no secret that most people are afraid of dental extraction, even at the sight syringe and clamp them fall into a state of panic. We want you to be quiet the dentists from «Diplomat Med» clinic are experienced specialists in the field, are highly qualified and rich experience.

Due to modern anesthesia, which is chosen individually for each patient in our clinic operative extraction, is done without pain and with guarantee of a good result. In addition, in our clinic we strive to make a good psychologically atmosphere, which will influence the procedure of extraction of teeth.

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