Cleaning with AirFlow
Today, patients are increasingly interested in conservatory treatment of the teeth. No one wants to expose the teeth to chemicals. Everybody wants a healthy smile obtained by methods that would not affect the enamel surface.
Such methods are directed mainly to restore the natural luster and whiteness of the teeth. With their help, you can get the natural gloss without any mechanical damage of the tooth. One of the simplest and most effective method is Air Flow. This type of professional cleaning is able to take out the plaque and the tartar, to restore the initial color of the teeth and to clean the inter-spaces from the mouth.
Whiteness of the teeth is one of the most important aesthetic problems. So, people usually address to the dentist. Everyone wants to restore the natural whiteness of teeth. And this is possible only by using the mechanical or chemical means. This procedure, in the dentist’s language is called whitening.
Airflow – is not just a method of teeth whitening, but it is a professional cleaning method that restores the natural pigmentation and get rid of unnecessary deposits from the mouth. After this hygiene procedure, it is seen an increase of light reflected on the surface of the tooth, making visually the teeth whiter.
In fact, Air Flow – is a professional cleaning that takes out the plaque and tartar. This method is recommended for people with an increased pigmentation of the tooth surface. This procedure is not performed regularly; it may be performed regularly only in cases recommended by the doctor.
To prevent the pigmentation of the teeth, people must abstain from coffee, red wine and to stop smoking.
Pigmentation of the tooth can be easily removed using a device that is able to take out the exterior pigment without damaging the enamel.
Air Flow is recommended:
- to remove the plaque
- for the prevention of periodontal diseases
- before teeth whitening at home
- after removing the brackets
The clinic «Diplomat Med» offers to its clients professional dental cleaning service of high quality in every possible way, with the help of modern equipment that corresponds to all quality standards.
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