Dental fluoridation in Diplomat Med

It is not a secret that the enamel – is “the coat” of the teeth. Their health depends directly on keeping the enamel safe. The fluoride and calcium give vitality to the tooth enamel.

It is clear that over the years due to external factors enamel thins and becomes less durable. Do you smoke? Do you have a metabolic disorder? Do you expose yourself to chemicals? Do you have plaque on teeth? If so, these are the major causes that destroy the tooth enamel. Don’t waste your time.

Dental fluoridation – dental procedure intended to strengthen the teeth and to prevent the tooth caries. Under the influence of drugs containing fluorine, the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria that cause tooth caries stops.

In our clinic this procedure is performed in the following ways:

  • Simple fluoridation – the use of a “spoon” special filled with fluorine for 15 minutes. Possible use of this special gel with a repeat of 3-4 times.
  • Mineralization – application of fluoride on the enamel and drying it under a special lamp. To see the effect of this procedure, you must carry it out at least 4 times.
  • Method of deep fluoridation – use of “sealing” of the enamel with a compulsory pre- cleaning performed by a specialist.

Don’t forget to do an ultrasonic cleaning of your teeth before you use the method of dental fluoridation.

If you want your child to grow healthy, happy and at the same time to have a pleasant smile, don’t hesitate to do a systematic prevention of dental caries.

Does your child have very sensitive teeth? It is not a problem. In our clinic, we perform a painless and safe fluoridation procedure of milk teeth. In other words, the therapy of mineralization means strengthening of the tooth tissue and stopping the destructive processes. It is important to memorize: dental fluoridation of children is a useful procedure if it is performed by a competent specialist – dentist.

We inform the parents of our small patients about dental fluoridation that will be more effective if children have a proper diet and a regular oral care.

Remember friends: dental fluoridation is a wonderful procedure!

The price of any type of fluoridation in our clinic guarantees quality of the offered services, health, and also a long-term cooperation in the future. Stay healthy You and your Children!

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